OMNI – a reference in the world of hypnosis since 1979
We owe a lot of pioneering work to Dave Elman
For good reason Elman is associated with his brilliant but also simple hypnosis induction (Dave Elman induction – DEI). The great majority of people goes into hypnosis with it for the first time. But Elman represents much more.
- Elman was the first to bring people on purpose and regularly to somnambulism (deep hypnosis) demonstrating a clear process with.
- Elman found a way to go into the Esdaile state and out again that worked and could be repeated
- His works in the field of pain management are still used today and amazingly simple.
- Elman also coined the phrase “Every symptom has a trigger”. He used this to developed a completely new approach for hypnotherapy which appeared to be revolutionary to traditional methods and hence faced rejection in the first place (regress to cause and fix it (R2C).
- Elman developed “hypno-sleep”, a state which is very appropriate to work with children.
- Elman made it possible to conduct the first heart surgery without anesthesia by using hypnosis
- Due to Elman’s cooperation with a catholic nun who ran a delivery suite, Pope Pius enacted in 1958 the permission to use hypnosis for women in order to give birth painfree. We also owe the birth of HypnoBirthing to Elman.
In 1979, when Gerald F. Kein founded the OMNI Hypnosis Training Center in Florida, USA, he did not know that he would sustainably change the world of hypnosis. As a 13-year old he already learnt directly from Dave Elman, the probably most significant hypnotist of the 20th century. But no one could possibly know that his name would one day stand for cause-oriented, revealing hypnosis education and hypnotherapy in Europe, Asia, South America and even in Africa.
OMNI and Gerald (Jerry) Kein have since 1979 been a symbol for effective, efficient and sustainable hypnosis methods and techniques which are taught in over 20 different locations across the world. Often copied but never really reached: increasingly more people discover this easy and applicable technique for their practice or as a therapy to solve personal issues and challenges.
Jerry included ease into hypnosis which inspires and motivates many of his students. This ease is also expressed through a unique elegance to hypnotize and treat: the respect towards clients, encounters on an equal footing and how to guide therapeutic processes with a firm hand to the solution.
It was Jerry Kein who not only refined and complemented the methods of Dave Elman but actually kept them alive through the 80s and early 90s. Afterwards the name Dave Elman became a widely known and OMNI maintained the core of his teachings. However Jerry Kein further ingeniously refined and structured them in the way that they can be used in processes. Thus the quality of hypnosis could be increased significantly. As a result much less is left to chance or to the skill of the user. In 2012 this process was also further refined by Hansruedi Wipf and was certified according to ISO 9001 as the worldwide first hypnosis process ever in March 2015.
What does “OMNI” mean?
The question is frequently asked and there is no deeper sense to it. Jerry Kein’s wife who suggested this name at the foundation of the company in 1979. And it has turned out to be a great recognition value and a name that is easy to remember as brand.
What does “OMNI” stand for?
OMNI definitely stands for modern, targeted and outcome-oriented hypnosis to benefit the client. It has always been Jerry Kein’s aim, to present hypnosis as easy to learn and apply. He has wanted to explain it to them in a simple way and to give people an understanding of hypnosis. No endless sessions without results. The aim is always, to help the client, who is seeking help from an OMNI hypnotherapist as quickly, efficient and sustainable as possible. Many challenges people are faced with can be tackled in one session. If we are capable to use our knowledge and skills for this, we will do so.
Jerry Kein today
In January 2015 Jerry Kein has finally retired but still supports Hansruedi Wipf with great interest, whom he selected as his successor in 2012. “We are proud to continue the work of Jerry Kein and to ensure that hypnosis and OMNI gain the recognition and acceptance that Jerry Kein was aiming for and for which he worked hard and honestly.” The change of generation is completed and OMNI is well-prepared for the future.
“Jerry is not only a mentor and a role model, but also a good friend who stood by me with moral and practical support. This friendship stands above everything and continuing his lifework is a special honor to me.” Hansruedi Wipf
Hansruedi Wipf – successor of Jerry Kein
“Following the footsteps of such a great and brilliant master is like a dream came true achieved through hard work. Jerry prepared me for carrying on the OMNI skills over almost 3 years from August 2012 till January 2015. It was typical for Jerry to seal the deal with a handshake and subsequently proclaim it at the hypnosis convention in Boston in August 2012 without any signature or contract. Complete trust and somehow old school. Precious. Very precious.
Simply following the footsteps would not be right. In order to be authentic and enhance the company and the training with my own personality I will also include my emphasis to lead OMNI in the future. The successful certification with ISO 9001 is only another step in that direction. TheOMNI-Finder, the international platform for OMNIS to present themselves and their work, is another one. The modernization is making progress, one part of it surely is this international multilingual website representing OMNI and its instructors across the globe.
My 15 years of experience in the global automotive industry with distinguished management positions and strategical assignments of course help me to position OMNI on a global basis. I have the opportunity to draw on many exciting but also inspiring and intelligent people. I am very grateful for that and consider it a special responsibility to shape this with respect to all parties and their opinions involved. Something in this magnitude does not work alone and therefore I consider myself as part of the team which I am privileged to guide. But it is important to me to do this on a level playing field based on mutual respect.”
Hansruedi Wipf is the author of the book „Hypnose – Gesundheit und Heilung auf natürlichem Weg“ („Hypnosis – Health and Healing in a natural way“), publisher of the international hypnosis magazine “HypnoMag” as well as co-organizer of the annual Hypnosis Convention Zurich which has become part and parcel of the further educational training schedule for many people due to over 40 speakers and more than 50 presentations. In addition to that Hansruedi Wipf himself is speaker at different international hypnosis conventions, works successfully with top athletes and is head of the Hypnosis Center in the Zurich area with 8 hypnotherapists. He clearly focuses on OMNI and the trainings where knowledge and skills are taught in an active way and thus the continuation of Jerry Kein’s work is ensured.
The OMNI instructors
We are an international TEAM. And a team is always comprised of different personalities unified by a common denominator. For us, there are several factors: among others we all have the OMNI basic training basic-advanced as well as the OMNI instructor training. We are unified by the fascination for hypnosis, the joy of teaching, giving therapy and being part of OMNI. We are fascinated and full of respect for what Jerry Kein established.
All of us work actively with the acquired techniques and methods in the field of therapy. All of us teach the same course-curriculum and fully endorse it because we experience every day that what we teach really works and brings results.
Every instructor considers his/her work important and maybe also a vocation, more than just a profession. We know that with our work we can change the life of many people in a positive and sustainable way. We can alleviate suffering and help to provide a prosperous future. Just imagine how the life of a stuttering child changes when it is suddenly able to speak fluently and freely. We suddenly realize the scope of this and what this means for school life and the later private and professional life of the child. When the grey veil suddenly vanishes after a depression, an oppressive fear or a limiting compulsion dissolves. We know what it feels like and therefore work in the field of therapy, may it be with children or adults. We believe that we need to further develop ourselves on a continuous basis and thus invest in our own further education. And we treat each other as well as third parties with the highest possible respect
We look forward to meeting you, no matter where and who will be your OMNI trainer. We desire nothing less but your success, because that is how we change the world of many people.